(aggregated_output_formats)= # Aggregated output format Following are the descriptions of available output formats for aggregated time series data. If you want to try different output formats to find the best one for your needs you can run your query with a low limit (e.g. limit=3) to check out the different outputs. ## Raw This output format will create csv files in the same way as [TOARDB REST interface - 2.7 Data.](https://toar-data.fz-juelich.de/api/v2/#data) The zip archive will contain one csv file per time series. The name of each individual csv file will be "\.csv" ## By_statistic This output format will create one csv file per requested statistic and one additional csv file with all the metadata. Each row in all the files will contain the information (either metadata or aggregated values) for one time series. All files have the same number and order of rows so that you can match the metadata and different aggregates for each time series via the row position. The metadata file is called "metadata.csv" and the files for the aggregated values are called "\.csv". ## Json_simple This output format will create one JSON file per time series, statistic and quantile (if using quantile regression). Each JSON file will contain a dictionary with one key which holds all the metadata and a second key holding the calculated trend, uncertainty and p-value. The files are called "\_\_\.json". ## By_stat_quant This output format will create one csv file per requested statistic and quantile and one additional csv file with all the metadata. Each row in all the files will contain the information (either metadata or trend values) for one time series. All files have the same number and order of rows so that you can match the metadata and different trends for each time series via the row position. The metadata file is called "metadata.csv" and the files for the trend values are called "\_\.csv".